Thursday Training
Warm - Samson stretch, squats, runner stretch, down dog, up dog, leg kicks, Strength Strict Press x8 Take 3 sets to build to max weight...
Enduring on a Saturday
Warm 500m Row and 400 m run -Dynamic Stretch Skill- Thruster WOD Kalsu For Time 100 Thrusters 5 burpees at the top of every minute Rx-...
Half Way to the Weekend!
Warm: Every :30 seconds for 5 minutes 1- 20 jump ropes 2- 10 push up Stretch- bands Strength- Pause squats- pause 3 seconds at the bottom...
Monday WOD
Warm 10 Curtis P’s with barbell only *take it easy, nice and easy X 4 with :90 Rest and stretch in between each round Strength 3 sets...
Finally Friday Workout
Warm: Ring Row x 8 Dips (box, bench or Ring) x 10 Wall sit 1:00 1:00 Rest x 5 Rounds Oly Skill: Snatch progression 5-10 minutes Then- 5...
Closing out the week STRONG
Warm: Dynamic warm up PVC Only- Front Sqt x 10, Push Press x 10, good morning x 15 6 Rounds no rest but quality NOT time 1000 m row 100...
Bodyweight Thursday
Rope climbing drills Warm: 1 rope climb 15' Then 4 Rounds of- 1 small lap 200 meter row small lap farmer carry 50 m broad jump end with 1...
20 AMRAP Tuesday!
Warm :30 second ring row hold + :30 plank hold + 15 air squats X 6 :45 rest between rounds Movement Prep: Warm up to weight used for...
Getting Over the Hump
Warm -Bar only 20 Curtis P’s - take your time these are for quality Dynamic stretch- 6 Rounds for time: 8 Curtis P’s 8 supinated bent...
Bringing in the Weekend. Friday WOD
10 Bear Complex (Bar only) 3 DL + 2 Hang Clean + 1 split jerk (Do in order then in reverse order) X 5 with 1- 2:00 rest between sets....