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Finally Friday Workout


Ring Row x 8

Dips (box, bench or Ring) x 10

Wall sit 1:00

1:00 Rest x 5 Rounds

Oly Skill:

Snatch progression 5-10 minutes

Then- 5 sets of 1 high pull + 2 Power Snatch + 3 OH squat

1-2:00 Rest between each set


The Chief is Dead- (With Snatches)

  • AMRAP in 24 minutes

  • 5 Cycles of 4 Minutes Each

  • 3 Power Snatch (RX 135/95lbs F- 95/65 L- Bar)

  • 6 Push-Ups

  • 9 Air Squats

  • 12 Deadlift

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