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Special Announcement Please Read

Like all of you, we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation. While we took extreme efforts to continue classes and remain open to our community for as long as we could, we believe it is our responsibility to now listen to local health and government authorities to reduce non-essential services. We want to help reduce the spread of this virus so we can all remain as healthy as possible.

Effective at 8PM this Evening March 18, 2020, our Box will suspend all in-box classes.

We rely on each of you to sustain our studio. We encourage you to keep your memberships in support of the community we are building. We are currently creating a schedule and making plan to keep everyone connected and healthy via online classes in our Papago CrossFit Members Group on Facebook via live stream. Monitor your inbox and social media for info on accessing classes posted daily. Together we can keep our community going, with strength and calm we must navigate through these turbulent times. Be Well!

In Good Health,

Christopher Cannon

Head Coach

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