4/30 Friday
FREAK 21 Thrusters 21 Pull Ups 800 M Run 30 KBS 30 Pull Ups 50 DU’s 50 Sit Ups 400 M Run 30 Box Up 30 Wall Ball 95/65
4/29 Thursday
Circuit: Single Leg elevated Deadlift- x 9/leg Weighted step ups x 7/ leg Calf raises x 15/leg WOD: E5MOM for 20 minutes 1st 5 minute-Row...
4/28 Wednesday
“Scooter” With A Partner in 35 Minutes 30 AMRAP Of: 30 Double Unders (3:1 Singles) 15 Pull Ups 15 Push ups 1 small lap Sprint Then 5...
4/27 Tuesday
Warm: 800 M Run WOD 20 Superman 40 HSPU 60 Total Lunges 80 DU’s (3:1 Singles) 100 Air Squat 1000 m Row or Run 100 Air Squat 80 DU’s 60...
4/26 Monday
Strength: 5 x 5 Front Squat 3 x 5 Back Squat Rest as needed WOD 21-15-9 DL Front Squat S2OH Rx- 115/85 F- 95/55 L- 65/Bar
4/21 G3 Wednesday
Core: 3 Rounds of 1 minute for each movement: V-Ups, Russian twist with KB or DB (not med ball), Flutter Kicks, Rest. AMRAP 30: 10...
4/20 G2 Tuesday
"Garlock" 3 Rounds for time 800m run or 1000m row 10 WB Burpees 20 KB/DB OverHead Squats (10 each arm) 30 KB/DB Shoulder to OverHead (15...
Monday G1 4/19
Strength: Front Squat 1RM, around 16-18 minutes, shave 20% off then FS 4 sets, 3 reps. (25 mins) WOD: 2K Partner Rowling! Rules: -One...
4/12 Tuesday
Warm Up: 1 mile run or 2,000 m row (70% effort) 3-5 Minutes on the Foam Rollers 4 minute EMOM of 8 Ground to Overhead (115-135/75-95)...
4/11 Monday
Snatch Technique (3 rounds: Round 1: Barbell, Round 2: 85/55, Round 3: 95/65) 3 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift 3 Snatch High Pull From...