Thursday We Made It!
Warm: Dynamic stretch Strength: Bench Press 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-2 As Reps go down weight goes up WOD: 15 EMOM Push ups - x 20 Box jumps- x 15...
Workout Wednesday
Warm: Dynamic Warm up 10 minutes Circuit: Bar only Reverse curls x 11 Behind the head tricep extension x 15 Front Raises x 8 :90 Rest X 5...
Tuesday to the Limit
Warm: 200 m Row Sprints X 5 with 1:00 Rest Strength 5 x 7 Curtis P’s With 2 minute rest Use 3 practice sets to find a working weight WOD...
Unstoppable Monday
Warm: DB rows x 8/ side DB Press x 10 DB squats x 12 X6 rounds Skill: HSPU EMOM 6 6 Strict HSPU 20 AMRAP 8 strict pull-ups 8 box jumps,...
Warm: 2 Rounds 1 big lap 400 M Row Movement Prep WOD 7 Rounds for time 10 Man Makers 20 Dumbbell Deadlifts 30 Single-Arm Dumbbell...
Warm: 6 sets, each as fast as possible: Farmers carry driveway lap Row 250m Rest 1 minute Skill Pistol Progression Lower and Roll Rolling...
Friday Eve
Warm: 10 Walk out Push up Big Lap or 400 m Row X5 WOD: 10 Rounds 10 HSPU 1 driveway Lap 10 Deficit push up- Rx- #45 F- #35 L- Choose...
Wednesday WOD
Warm: 12 EMOM Even- 10 Russian Kb swings Moderate weight ODD- Wall Ball x 8 Strength 9 sets of Shoulder to Overhead Set 1-3- Strict...
Warm: 5 Rnds w/ 1:00 Rest 20 Parrallette Dips 15 situps 1 driveway lap Strength/ Skill Clean and Hang Clean WOD 5 Rnds 8 Hang Cleans :30...
Monday Funday
Warm: 1 air squat + 1 walk out push up x30 Strength: Back Squat Pause sets 5x10 w/ :02 pause at the bottom 2:00 Rest in between WOD Half...