Swinging Tuesday
Warm: Baseline @ 70%= 500 m Row + 40 air squat + 30 sit up + 20 push up + 10 pull up Dynamic stretch Work 12 EMOM 1-Single Arm Kbs 8/arm...
Monday WOD
Warm 10 Curtis P’s with barbell only *take it easy, nice and easy X 4 with :90 Rest and stretch in between each round Strength 3 sets...
Taking Down Tuesday
Warm Shoulder Press X 9 + Walk out push ups x 6 + 30 flutter kicks/leg Rest 1 minute X4 Skill: Rope climb practice ~10 minutes Strength:...
Thursday at the Bar
Warm: Kb Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 20 4 sets with :90 rest between each set Strength: Front squat 8, 6, 4, 2 Building up to a heavy...
Saturday Endurance
Warm: Big Lap + 10 Over and back w/pvc + 10/side leg swings X 3 Movement prep, warm up cleans and deadlifts “Kiana” 4 Rounds for Time: 2...
World WOD Wednesday
Warm: Single leg med ball deadlift 10 per leg (concentrate on engaging the hamstring and glute) Glute bridge x 10 200 m Row Squat jump...
Monday Work!
Warm= 8 lunges total + 5 push up + 200 Row X3 Rds w/ :45 rest between Skill= Pistol Sit and roll + Sit roll stand + assisted pistol w/...
Friday Wind Down WOD
Warm up: 10 X outs + 5 divebomb Push ups 5 x Strength: 6-5-4-3-2-2 Thrusters working up to a heavy double "Jackie" - For Time 1000 m Row...
Getting Over the Hump
Warm -Bar only 20 Curtis P’s - take your time these are for quality Dynamic stretch- 6 Rounds for time: 8 Curtis P’s 8 supinated bent...
Tuesday Throwdown WOD
200 m Row + 25 Jumping Jacks + 1 small lap- :30 between each round X 4 12 single arm Russian Kbs / side 8 weighted single leg box up/...