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World WOD Wednesday


Single leg med ball deadlift 10 per leg (concentrate on engaging the hamstring and glute)

Glute bridge x 10

200 m Row

Squat jump tucks x 10

6 rounds not for time but for quality rest if needed


Take time to warm up the box jump ( step up, step down: step up, jump down; jump up, jump down etc..)

Box Jumps for height with a partner

Take 5-10 minutes to build up to 1 RM Box Jump height

Move prep

Work- “The Quick and the Dead”

  • For Time

  • 3-9-15-21-15-9-3

  • Deadlifts (Rx-205 /135 F- 185/ 115 L- 95/65)

  • Box Jumps (24 in/20 in)

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