Bodyweight Tuesday
Warm: 50 flutter kick 50 sit ups Big Lap 100 flutter kicks 100 sit ups Big Lap EMOM10 Odd: :20 L-sit Even: 8 Box Jump WOD 150 sqt 50 push...
Saturday Endurance Special
Warm: Ball Slams X 15 X5 with :45 Rest Bicep stretch + shoulder mobility WOD For time: 75 pull-ups Row 500 meters 75 push-ups Row 500...
Thursday WOD
Warm: 4 x 400 M Run (Big Lap) 2:00 rest between each- Dynamic stretch between each lap Skill: Pull Up Negs and Kipping WOD 3 RFT Big Lap...
Thursday Throwdown
Warm: 3 x 300 Row w/ 1:00 rest Skill: Muscle Up 5 X 6 jumping Chest to Bar with :45 second rest between sets WOD- 1000 m Row 30 split...
Trucking Through Tuesday
Warm- :30 Plank + :30 wall sit + small lap run X 4 with :30 Rest Skill- Ring Dips 4x6 3 count negatives 3x5 with the band WOD “B-1”-...
Monday Start Up
Warm- 200m Row + 50 Singles X 5 Strength: Weighted box steps ups 4 x 12/ leg 2:00 Rest WOD- For Time 100 singles 25 squat 25 kbs 25 box...
Wednesday Work
Warm: 10 Med Ball sit up 10 Med Ball squat 1 Med Ball small lap 5 Rnds- :30 Rest Strength: 5,3,1,5,3,1 Back Squat 2-3:00 Rest Between WOD...
Half Way to the Weekend!
Warm: Every :30 seconds for 5 minutes 1- 20 jump ropes 2- 10 push up Stretch- bands Strength- Pause squats- pause 3 seconds at the bottom...
Swinging Tuesday
Warm: Baseline @ 70%= 500 m Row + 40 air squat + 30 sit up + 20 push up + 10 pull up Dynamic stretch Work 12 EMOM 1-Single Arm Kbs 8/arm...
Saturday Endurance WOD
Endurance: Warm- Movement prep + PVC Mobility + Dynamic Warm up WOD: “Broomstick Mile” For Time 25 Back Squats 25 Front Squats 25...