Monday Not So Terrible
Ivan The Terrible 5 Rounds For Time 90 seconds Single-Unders 50-40-30-20-10 Reps of: Alternating Lunges Push-Ups Sit-Ups
Nacho Thursday
Warm/Lung Opener 200 m Run + :20 Rest 400 M Run + :30 Rest 800 M Run + :45 Rest 400 m Run + :30 Rest 200 M Run WOD: Black Jack: For Time...
Keep it Simple Thursday
Warm: 10 Walk out Push up Big Lap or 400 m Row X5 WOD: 10 Rounds 10 HSPU 1 Small 10 Deficit push up- Rx- #45 F- #35 L- Choose 10/leg...
Making Monday Happen
Warm: 1 air squat + 1 walk out push up x30 Strength: Back Squat Pause sets 5x10 w/ :02 pause at the bottom 2:00 Rest in between WOD 10...
Bodyweight Tuesday
Warm: 50 flutter kick 50 sit ups Big Lap 100 flutter kicks 100 sit ups Big Lap EMOM10 Odd: :20 L-sit Even: 8 Box Jump WOD 150 sqt 50 push...
Bodyweight Thursday
Rope climbing drills Warm: 1 rope climb 15' Then 4 Rounds of- 1 small lap 200 meter row small lap farmer carry 50 m broad jump end with 1...
Getting Over the Hump Wednesday WOD
Warm up to include: Light jog small lap, Back pedal, Side shuffle, Bounders, Carioca, leg swings, hip circles, High knees, butt kicks...
Thursday WOD for Guest Week
Warm up Walk out push ups x 5 + air squat 10 + lunge 10 x5 Sprints 8 x 100m with 1-2 minute rest “Cindy” 20 AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 push ups...
Tuesday WOD
W- Big Lap + 25 jumping jacks + 12 Ring Rows/pull ups X 3 A) 4 rounds: Overhead walking lunges (plate) x24 Push ups x16 Strict sit up x16...
Kicking Off Guest Week. Happy Monday
W- Row 2k total with a partner, switch every 250m, coach lead resting ppl in dynamic stretches + 2x15/side: laying lateral leg raise,...