Kicking Off Guest Week. Happy Monday
W- Row 2k total with a partner, switch every 250m, coach lead resting ppl in dynamic stretches
+ 2x15/side: laying lateral leg raise, clamshell, single leg glute bridges
A1) 5 burpee broad jump (Life- burpee) emphasize safe landing
A2) 5 archer push ups (push up, turn and reach, push up, turn and reach
other side)
A3) 5 barbell roll outs (L&S on knees, S on feet)
A4) Row 300m
X 5 rounds, not for time but for quality movement
(Life- 3-4 rounds)
B) For time:
Jump rope 50-40-30-20-10
Ring row 25-20-15-10-5
Sit ups 25-20-15-10-5
(Life- First, middle and final rounds only)