FREE First Saturday
Free 10 AM Yoga and/or 11 AM WOD class for all non members and any family and friends you can think of that may want to give us a try. We...
Flex Friday
Warm: Dynamic Warm up 10 minutes Circuit: Bar only Reverse curls x 11 DB behind the head tricep extension x 15 Front + Lateral Raises x 8...
Warm: Kb high pull x 10 Russian Kbs x 8 Goblet squat x 6 3 Rounds of 3 rounds with 1: minute rest between each 3 round interval Strength...
Fathers Finding Their Baseline
Warm: 250m Row + 15 squats + 10 sit up + 5 push Up + 5 ring rows Work: 15 Kbs 15 Goblet Squat 10 Ball Slam 12/ arm Hammer curl 5 rounds...
Endurance Training on a Saturday Morning
Warm up: 3 Rnds of 200m Row Sprints w/ :45 Rest WOD Legion 8 8 Rounds For Time 8 Thrusters (75/55 lbs) 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 8 Clapping...
Poppas and Beer
Let's celebrate Fathers day on Saturday June 18th by burning some calories then sharing a cold one with the big guy. 10 am Yoga and the...
Open House Days @ Papago CrossFit
This is a week to invite family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and anyone else you might think of who wonders why you go to Papago...
Mom's & Mimosa's
Papago CrossFit would like to celebrate Mom and all that she has done for you throughout the years on Saturday May 7th at 10 am while...
Kicking Off Guest Week. Happy Monday
W- Row 2k total with a partner, switch every 250m, coach lead resting ppl in dynamic stretches + 2x15/side: laying lateral leg raise,...
GUEST WEEK 4/18 - 4/23
Papago CrossFit will open its doors to friends, family neighbors and anyone who wants more information and experience about CrossFit. All...