Open House Days
At Papago CrossFit we strive to expand our brand of fitness into the community. Those who may not know where to start or may think they...
WOD For Time 400 meter Run 50 Back Squats 50 Front Squats 50 Overhead Squats 400 meter Run 50 Shoulder Presses 50 Push Presses 50 Push...
Wednesday Warrior
Warm: Jump rope: 5 minutes nice and easy Junk Yard Dogs 5 per partner Movement Prep WOD: 5 Rounds :30 work 1 rest Box overs- 24/20 Row @...
Warm: Kb high pull x 10 Russian Kbs x 8 Goblet squat x 6 3 Rounds of 3 rounds with 1: minute rest between each 3 round interval Strength...
Monday WOD
Warm Big Lap 10 push up 10 sit up 10 air squat Strength Strict Press 10-8-6-4-2 1-2 minutes Rest between sets Heavier with each set WOD...
Open House Days @ Papago CrossFit
This is a week to invite family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and anyone else you might think of who wonders why you go to Papago...
Monday Memorial Day Murph
Murph 1 mile 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 Air Squat 1 mile Murph Modified Big Lap 25 Push Ups 50 push up 75 Air Squat X4 1-2:00 Rest...
Finally it's Friday
100 Row sprints x 10 w/ :45 sec rest Dynamic Stretching: Walking Knee Hugs Dynamic Lunge with Rotation Backward 1 legged toe touches Hip...
Thursday WOD for Guest Week
Warm up Walk out push ups x 5 + air squat 10 + lunge 10 x5 Sprints 8 x 100m with 1-2 minute rest “Cindy” 20 AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 push ups...
Kicking Off Guest Week. Happy Monday
W- Row 2k total with a partner, switch every 250m, coach lead resting ppl in dynamic stretches + 2x15/side: laying lateral leg raise,...