Thursday WOD
Warm: 200 m Row Sprints X 5 with 1:00 Rest Strength: 5 x 7 Curtis P’s With 2 minute rest Use 3 practice sets to find a working weight WOD...
Thrusters on a Tuesday
Warm: 3 x 20 inch worms w/ :45 rest between sets PVC Mob B) 10 Thrusters; rest 1 minute 8 Thrusters; rest 1 minute 6 Thrusters; rest 1 5...
Kicking Off Guest Week. Happy Monday
W- Row 2k total with a partner, switch every 250m, coach lead resting ppl in dynamic stretches + 2x15/side: laying lateral leg raise,...
GUEST WEEK 4/18 - 4/23
Papago CrossFit will open its doors to friends, family neighbors and anyone who wants more information and experience about CrossFit. All...