Friday Shiny
WOD: “90 Shiny” 21-15-9: Power Cleans (135/95) 50 Double Unders After Each Round Directly Into… 21-15-9: Front Squats (135/95) 50 Double...
Thursday Rockin and Rollin
Back Squat- 5 x 5 w/ :03 pause at the bottom Find a 1 RM back squat
Wednesday Macho Taco
Warm: 3:00 Jump Rope 5:00 Double Under Practice WOD: “Macho Taco” 5 Rounds x AMRAP 3: 60 Double Unders 20 Jumping Lunges Max Rounds of...
Tuesday Tiger Balm
“Tiger Balm” AMRAP 20: 200m Run 7 Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks 40 Double-Unders Body Armor 21-18-15-12-9: Single Arm Bent Over...
Monday Barbs
"Barbs” 3 Rounds: 20 DB Rows 20 Pushups 30 Sit-Ups 40 Jumping Lunges 30 Sit-Ups 20 Pushups 20 DB Rows Rest 3:00 between rounds Body Armor...
On the 0:00- 1 mile run On the 10:00 Karen 150 Wall balls On the 20:00 Diane 21-15-9 Deadlift + Hand Stand Push Up Rx- 225/155 F- 185/105...
Friday Work
Riggs 10 Rounds For Time: 200 Meter Run 1 Power Snatch (155/105) 3 Bar Muscle-ups (Chest to Bar Pull Ups) 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Thursday Strength
Strength: Snatch grip deadlift 5 x 10 Panda pulls from the hang 5 x 5 Squat Snatch’s w/ :02 pause at the bottom 5 x 6 WOD: Isabel 30...
Body Armor Wednesday
Body Armor (A) AMRAP 2: Renegade Rows (50’s/35’s) Rest 1 Minute AMRAP 2: Renegade Rows (50’s/35’s) Body Armor (B) 4 Giant Sets: 12 Dimmel...
Tuesday Threshold
WOD: 21-15-9 Pull Ups + Burpees Aerobic Threshold Intervals On the 0: 30/25 Calorie Row On the 3: 25/20 Calorie Row On the 5: 20/15...