Taking Charge of Tuesday
Warm up: Tabata :20 on :10 off w/bar Front Squat and Shoulder to overhead 2:00 Break Hang Clean and Back squat Skill: Squat Clean Break...
Thursday at the Bar
Warm: Kb Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 20 4 sets with :90 rest between each set Strength: Front squat 8, 6, 4, 2 Building up to a heavy...
Saturday Endurance
Warm: Big Lap + 10 Over and back w/pvc + 10/side leg swings X 3 Movement prep, warm up cleans and deadlifts “Kiana” 4 Rounds for Time: 2...
20 AMRAP Tuesday!
Warm :30 second ring row hold + :30 plank hold + 15 air squats X 6 :45 rest between rounds Movement Prep: Warm up to weight used for...
Throw Down Thursday
W- Row 100m easy + 100m hard until 1000m + specific warm ups A) EMOM x10 Back Squat (RX do front squat) x 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1-1-3 Rest 5...
Getting over the Hump. Wednesday WOD
1 mile Run Dynamic Stretching- Roll out A) 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, Hang Clean working to a heavy max 2:00 Rest For Time: 20, 15, 10, 5 Hang Clean...
Tuesday WOD 4.13
W- row 500m, 5x each DL, HPC, FS, press, BS, press BN, pull up Spend 5 min quick Power clean review, triple extension, high pull, fast...
Halfway to the Weekend!
Warm up: 3 Rounds NFT of: Row 15 Calories 10-15 Push-ups 30 Hollow Rocks On a running clock (rest with remaining time after each...