TBF 15.1 Open Prep
15.1 9AMRAP: 15 toes-to-bars F- Hanging knee raise 10 deadlifts Rx- 115/75 F- 85/55 5 snatches Rx- 115/75 F- 85/55 ***BONUS*** Workout...
AMRAP for Valentine's Day
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 push-ups 20 single-leg squats, alternating *After every...
Tuff it Out Tuesday
Strength/Skill: A1. Bent over barbell Rows X 6 (Palms up grip) A2. “Y” Pulls with Bands X 6 6 second pause at contraction 4 Sets W/...
8AMRAP Cal Row Rest 2:00 7AMRAP KBS x 8 DU’s x 30 Rest 1:30 6AMRAP Pull Ups x 5 Air Squats x 10 Rest 1:00 5AMRAP DB Thrusters X :15 L sit
WOD on Thursday
Warm: 25 Yoga Inch Worms Strength: RDL- 6 x 8 @ tempo 30x1 tempo RX- 135/85 F- 95/55 WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15...
Tuesday Tap Out
Warm: 25 Walk out Push Ups Strength: Push Press 6 x 4 @ 70% 2:00 Rest between WOD: 8 AMRAP Strict Press x 8 Good Mornings x 8 Rx- 95/65 ...
Deadlift Day
15->2 - Deadlift Building as the reps go down Rest :90 WOD: 12AMRAP KBS- 12 Single Arm OHS Alternating - 14 Burpee- 6
Thursday Workout of the Day
WOD: 16AMRAP 6-8-10 Kettle Bell Swings Burpees Dumbbell Cleans Small Lap
Hump Day WOD
Warm: Farmer Carry small lap + Run small Lap x3 12 AMRAP 500 M Row 21 KBS 11 Pull Up
Saturday Endurance
It is not June but let's Celebrate the Army's Birthday anyway “1775” As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 45 minutes 17 Power Cleans...