Friyay for the Midline
Warm: Coach's Choice Strength: Weighted Good Morning 6 X 10 WOD: 1000 m Row 300 Sit Up 1000 m Row
Thursday Hip Thrust
Warm: 2000 M Row Strength: Barbell Hip Thruster 6 x 8 Going up in weight each set 2-3:00 Rest between WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 Kbs Push ups Sit...
Friday Re-Test
5 rounds for time of: 1 sub-0:45 250-m row 50 unbroken double-unders If the row takes longer than 45 seconds, or if you trip up on your...
Final Day of the Week Workout
Warm: Tabata: 1-Squat 2-Jumping jacks 3-Row 4-Wall sit 1 minute break between each Skill: Single Arm Kettle Bell Swing 5:00 WOD 50 Cal...
Hump Day WOD
Warm: 10:00 Row Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Thursday Throwdown
Warm: 3 x 300 Row w/ 1:00 rest Skill: Muscle Up 5 X 6 jumping Chest to Bar with :45 second rest between sets WOD- 1000 m Row 30 split...
Thriving on a Thursday
Warm: PVC Mobility- 10 of each, front squat, Push Press, OH squat x 3 Strength: 6 X 6 Push Press Building weight with each set 1-2:00...
Tuesday WOD
Warm: Bottom of squat :30 sec + air squat :30 sec + push up :30 + top of push up :30 Rest :30 x5 Skill: hang power clean progression + 15...
Chipping Away at Saturday
Warm 1000 m Row Pvc mobility Dynamic stretch and movement prep Dirty 37 For Time: 37 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 37 Jumping Pull-Ups 37...