Tuesday AMRAP
Teams of 3: AMRAP 7: L- 50 Push Press (95/65) F- 50 Push Press (135/95) RX- AMRAP Push Press (155/105) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 7: L- 50 Back...
Thursday Throwdown WOD
Warm: Goblet Squat 10 + Russian KB swing 12 + 150 m Row :45 seconds rest x 5 Rounds Skill: Pull Ups RIng row- 5 x 6 3 second Negative...
Thrusters on a Tuesday
Warm: 3 x 20 inch worms w/ :45 rest between sets PVC Mob B) 10 Thrusters; rest 1 minute 8 Thrusters; rest 1 minute 6 Thrusters; rest 1 5...
Monday WOD
10 minutes 0-1: down dog up dog transitions 1-2: lunge twists 2-3: squats 3-4: jumping jacks 4-5: high knees 5-6: butt kicks 6-7:...
Wednesday we Snatch!
W- Burgener Snatch Warm up A) EMOM x10 Hang high pull (below knee) + hang power snatch (above knee) + OHS @50-60% of heaviest power...