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Monday WOD

10 minutes

0-1: down dog up dog transitions

1-2: lunge twists

2-3: squats

3-4: jumping jacks

4-5: high knees

5-6: butt kicks

6-7: standing split alternating legs

7-8: sit ups

8-9: supermans

9-10: Leg gels


Pull Ups

10 Ring Rows

5 X 5 3 sec neg pull ups

1-2 rest

For time:

1 round of:

100 double-unders 2:1 singles

50 squats

95-lb. push press, 25 reps

Then, 2 rounds of:

60 double-unders 2:1 singles

30 squats

95-lb. push press, 15 reps

Then, 3 rounds of:

40 double-unders 2:1 singles

20 squats

95-lb. push press, 10 reps

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