Workout Wednesday
Warm up: 3 Rounds NFT of: Row 15 Calories 10-15 Push-ups 30 Hollow Rocks On a running clock (rest with remaining time after each...
Wednesday WOD
Strength/Skill: A1. Behind the Neck BB Press – Strict 5 sets of 7. Tempo 20x0 (Bet you never do sets of 7… so you probably just PR’d)...
Deadlift Day
15->2 - Deadlift Building as the reps go down Rest :90 WOD: 12AMRAP KBS- 12 Single Arm OHS Alternating - 14 Burpee- 6
Wednesday WOD
Warm: Burgner Warm Up Clean and Jerk X2 with PVC X5 w/ Bar only Skill: Split Jerk Strength: From the wrack- 6 x 3 Up in weight for the...
Hump Day WOD
Warm: Wallball 10 + Russian KB swing 12 + 150 m Row :45 seconds rest x 5 Rounds Skill: Pull Ups RIng row- 5 x 6 3 second Negative Pull...
Hump Day WOD
Warm: Scottsdale Road Run 3:00 Rest Big Lap 2:00 Rest Small Lap :45 Rest Big Lap :90 Rest Scottsdale Rd Run WOD: 10-10-10 Strict press...