Finally It's Friday
Warm: Jump Rope- EMOM :15 , :30, :45, 1:00, :45, :30, :15 Strength Build to a heavy 4 Snatch in 15 minutes Then- 8 EMOM 4 Snatch @ 85% of...
Friday Workout
“Jackie” 1000 m Row 50 Thruster (Bar only) 30 pull up
Finally Friday Workout
Warm: 6 x 25/side flutter russian twists 1:00 Rest between sets Strength: DL- 6 x 6 Rest as needed WOD: 4 Rounds for time Farmer carry...
Friday Wind Down WOD
Warm up: 10 X outs + 5 divebomb Push ups 5 x Strength: 6-5-4-3-2-2 Thrusters working up to a heavy double "Jackie" - For Time 1000 m Row...