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3 Workouts in One


100 m Row- :20 rest, 200 m Row- :30 rest, 300 m Row :40 rest, 400 m Row :50 rest, 500m row

Burgener warm up barbell only:


  • With a Running Clock

  • As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 5 Minutes (from 0:00-5:00)

  • 5 Bar Muscle-Ups

  • 5 Squat Cleans (155/105 lbs)

  • 5 Box Jumps (40/30 lbs)

  • Then, 5 Minutes (from 5:00-10:00) to Establish:

  • Max Load Complex of

  • 1 Clean

  • 1 Hang Squat Clean

  • 1 Front Squat

  • 1 Jerk

  • Then, For time (starting at 10:00):

  • 18-12-6 Repetitions of

  • Deadlifts (275/185 lbs)

  • Strict Handstand Push-Ups

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