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FREE 1St Saturday

D-Day Partner WOD:

  • For Time (with a Partner)

  • Phase 1: "Overlord"

  • 1944 meter Row

  • Phase 2: "Airborne Drop"

  • 60 Pull-Ups

  • 400 meter Run

  • Phase 3: "Omaha Beach"

  • 6 50 meter Farmer Carry (55/35)

  • 400 meter Run

  • Phase 4: "Utah Beach"

  • 60 Weighted Push-Ups (45/25 plate)

  • 300 meter Run

  • Phase 5: "Gold Beach"

  • 60 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)

  • 300 meter Run

  • Phase 6: "Sword Beach"

  • 60 Thrusters (Bar)

  • 300 meter Run

  • Phase 7: "Juno Beach"

  • 60 Man-on-Fire Burpees

  • 300 meter Run

Each partner group will carry their kettlebell everywhere. The non-working partner will hold the kettlebell off the ground while the other partner works. Split up the work as needed, except running together

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