Workout Tuesday Warm:Jump Rope x 30Air Squat x 10X 5 with :45 rest between sets. Strength:Deadlift3 Sets building to 85% of 1 RM4 sets x 61-2 minutes rest between WOD3-9-15-9-3Deadlift + Box JumpsRx- 205/135 F- 155/95 L- 95/65
Warm:Jump Rope x 30Air Squat x 10X 5 with :45 rest between sets. Strength:Deadlift3 Sets building to 85% of 1 RM4 sets x 61-2 minutes rest between WOD3-9-15-9-3Deadlift + Box JumpsRx- 205/135 F- 155/95 L- 95/65