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Wednesday To the Core

Body Armor

3 Sets:

30 Glute Bridges

200 Meter Double KB Carry*

Rest 2:00 between.

*On the Double KB Carry:

Meters 0-100 – Left KB in Front Rack, Right KB in Hang.

Meters 101-200 – Left KB in Front Rack, Right KB in Hang


“Jelly Belly”

50 AbMat SU, 25 Cal Assault Bike, 10 Deadlifts

40 AbMat SU, 20 Cal Assault Bike, 8 Deadlifts

30 AbMat SU, 15 Cal Assault Bike, 6 Deadlifts

20 AbMat SU, 10 Cal Assault Bike, 4 Deadlifts

10 AbMat SU, 5 Calorie Assault Bike, 2 Deadlifts

Rx Barbell – 275/185

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